Increase awareness of the brand as the only existing certified-organic ice cream brand and to introduce the new vegan line of ice cream. By creating ads using anthropomorphism, it creates a sense of family and community.
Some of the ads in this campaign are tailored to be ran during the COVID-19 Pandemic.


Campaign BOOK
Blue Marble Organic Ice Cream is releasing a new vegan ice cream line. The vegan line will accommodate customers that value the ingredients included in their diet.
Blue Marble reached out to our class for help promoting the overall awareness of the brand. Each group in class was assigned to advertise a certain aspect of the brand. My group, Edge Advertising, chose to allocate our advertising toward the release of their new vegan line.
The tag "Nature's Guilty Pleasure" ties in the ideas of "clean ingredients" and "dessert" together.
Our target market is 23-54 year old women who promote living a healthy lifestyle. Our survey results concluded that the majority of women between the ages of 35-45 were mothers, buying for their children. For that reason, our creative aligns with targeting these mothers while maintaining a "kid-friendly" aspect.
The Campaign Book touches on budget allocations during COVID-19, strategy, demographics, media vehicles and other objectives that aid in building brand awareness for Blue Marble's new vegan line while simultaneously driving growth for the brand at large.